Dirt Roads Map

Did you know Chatham has more miles of unpaved roads than any town in Columbia County? It’s true, over half of the 97 miles of Chatham’s town roads are dirt. Want to keep our rural heritage for future generations? Support the Chatham Dirt Road Coalition.

Our map of dirt roads is downloadable for travel.

All of the dirt roads shown on this map are public, so you are free to park along them with the following in mind:
  • SAFETY – be sure to be fully off the road in a visible place and avoid narrow sections or blind spots
  • CONSIDERATION – be kind to the various homes and farms along the roads by keeping driveways and views clear.  Ask yourself, “if I lived here, how would I feel?”
  • CHECK OUT THE SUGGESTED PARKING SPOTS SHOWN ON THE MAP NUMBERED 1 THROUGH 20 – below are written descriptions of their locations with corresponding numbered locations on the map
    1. Bashford Rd. at Rt.32
    1. Jefferson Hill Rd. at end
    of paved section
    1. Bachus Rd. at corner
    of Pratt Rd.
    1. Ashley Hill Rd.170 yards
    North of Riders Mills Rd.
    1. Howes Rd. at Shaker Museum Rd.
    1. Dorland Rd. 50 yards
    off Rte. 13
    1. Ford Road just off Waite Rd.
    1. Engel Rd. just off Haddock Hill Rd.
    1. Hunt Club Rd. 47 yards above
    intersection of Pitt Hall Rd.
    1. White Bridge Rd. just off Rt. 13
    1. Reed Rd. just north of Rt.66
    1. Bashford Rd. just north of Rt.66
    1. Bashford Rd. 87 yards north
    of Brown Rd.
    1. Sullivan Rd. at intersection
    of Goold Rd.
    1. Thomas Rd. at intersection
    of Boice Rd.
    1. SW corner of Highland Rd. and
    Rock City Rd.
    1. Percy Hill Rd. near bridge
    just off Rt. 295
    1. Triangle at intersection
    off Elliott Rd.
    1. Bushnell Rd. at corner of Clark Rd.
    1. Raup Rd. at corner of Clark Rd.